Millersburg's Tulip Scroll is quite scarce. This short marigold example shows the pattern of thumbprint-style indentations well. Heights vary from 6 inches to about 12; the base diameter is 3 1/2 inches. The green example at the right is 12 inches tall; the amethyst 7 inches.
Amethyst/purple (most examples are 6 1/2--7 inches), 200, 250 (both 2018), 150, 225, 325, 375 (all 2019), 400, 425, 475, 750 (all 2021)
Green (most examples are 10 to 14 inches tall), 300 (2014), 500 (2016), 210 (2017), 500, 800 (both 2021)
Marigold, 140, 170, 180 (all 2016), 375 (2017), 180, 270, 280 (all 2018), 325, 475 (both 2021)
Marigold, 6--6 1/2 inch, 575 (2010), 210 (2017)
Updated 11/7/2021