Common Geometric Patterns in Carnival Glass

For a more extensive listing of geometric patterns, click here. Warning! There are 4 pages with about 24 patterns on each. May take a while to load photos if you have a dial-up connection.
Blaze Bowls Chatelaine Pitchers and tumblers Crabclaw Many shapes
Curved Star Celery vases, vases, bowls, rosebowls, candlesticks, etc. Diamond Lace Pitchers, tumblers, bowls. Diamond Point Baskets
Diamond Ring Bowls, rosebowls Double Star Pitchers, tumblers Fancy Flowers Compotes
Fashion tumbler Fashion rosebowl Feather and Heart Pitchers, tumblers
Hobstar Table set pieces, cracker jars Hobstar Flower Compotes Inverted Feather Cracker jars, punch sets, miscellaneous pieces
Marilyn Pitchers, tumblers Memphis Punch sets, bowls Octagon Pitchers, tumblers, table sets, others
Star and File Many shapes Star Medallion Many shapes Texas Tumbler Celery vases
Three in One Many shapes Texas Tumbler Celery vases Twins Fruit bowls, bowls
Valentine Bowls Whirling Star Punch sets Zippered Heart Bowls, rosebowls