Farmyard, Dugan

Dugan's Farmyard is one of the most desirable pieces in the Carnival pantheon. Despite their desirability, there are quite a few pieces around--I have 194 sales listed in my database of auction sales from 2000 to 2019, plus another 59 of the contemporary variety. Mostly seen in purple with a 6-ruffled edge; those with 8 ruffles, as shown above left, are less often seen. Above right are some of the rarities in the pattern: Bowls in three-in-one green, a square purple (they are also ruffled in a squarish shape), a low bowl--almost a plate--in purple, and the only known peach opal example. All have Dugan's Jeweled Heart exterior. The pattern has been reproduced in chop plates, bowls, rosebowls, and spittoons in modern colors.

Hartung Book Two: Farmyard

Bowls, 6 ruffles

Purple, 1,600 (2021), 11,000, blue irid. (2021),
   3,750, 4,000, 4,250, 5,000, 11,500 (all 2022)

Purple, electric, 7,250 (2002), 8,000 (2008)

Purple, stretchy, 7,000 (2003)

Bowls, 8 ruffles

Purple, 1,300, 1,500, 3,000, 4,000 (all 2021),
   1,700, 2,700, 5,000 (all 2022)

Purple, gold painted chickens, 1,050 (2018),
   1,350 (2021)

Purple, blue iridescence, 19,000 (2010)

Bowls, 3/1 edge

Purple, 2,800, 3,300, 3,800, 5,500 (all 2021),
   1,800, 2,600, 10,000 (all 2022)

Purple, electric, 5,250, 10,000 (both 2020),
   20,000 (2021)

Bowl, square/diamond shape

Purple, 5,000, 5,500, 6,500 (all 2020),
   5,000 (2022)

Bowl, square ruffled

Green, 13,000 (2007), 7,000 (2018)

Purple, 4,250 (2017), 2,100 (2018), 4.250 (2020)

Eight bowls in one collection. Here is a set of eight Farmyard bowls, each a different shape but all purple, from the collection of Gary Heavin. They include (top from left) the only known round bowl (almost low enough to be a plate), a three-in-one edge bowl, a square bowl, a diamond shaped bowl, a diamond ruffled, a square ruffled, an eight-ruffled, and a six-ruffled. Thanks to Gary for the photographs.

Updated 12/1/2022