Bouquet, Fenton

A delicate design with daisy-like flowers separated by panels that contain hobstars around a bullseye. The tops of the pitchers are usually crimped like the one shown above.

Hartung Book Two: Bouquet

Water sets, 7-piece unless indicated otherwise

Blue, 275 (2015), 625 (2017), 225 (2021)

Blue, 6 pieces, 350 (2010), 325 (2020)

Marigold, 55, 70 (both 2020), 75 (2021), 80 (2022)

Marigold, 5 pieces, 125 (2011), 105 (2014)

Water pitchers

Blue, 350 (2013), 250 (2017), 160 (2020)

Blue, with one tumbler, 160 (2022)

Blue, electric, 1,000 (2006)

Marigold, 30, 40, 65, 80 (all 2020), 45, 80 (both 2021), 40 (2022)

Marigold, with one tumbler, 105 (2018), 25 (2020), 40 (2022)


Amber, 50 (2019)

Blue, 15, 20 (both 2019), 5, 15 (both 2020), 25 (2022)

Blue, Persian, 900 (2010), 1,200 (2019)

Marigold, 35, 60 (both 2019), 5, 35 (both 2020), 10 (2022)

Updated 11/21/2022