Drapery (Curtains), Fenton

While not quite the same as the original Northwood pattern--this one has three scroll feet--there is enough similarity to fool the newer or occasional collector. Found in a number of shapes including bowls, rosebowls, and the basket and vase shown here. The pattern is called Curtains by collectors of contemporary Carnival.

Basket, handled, aqua opal, 20, 40 (both 2014),
   40, 50 (2016)
Basket, handled, green opal, 55 (1999)
Bowl, 8 1/2" crimped, aqua opal, 45 (1999)
Bowl, 8 1/2" ruffled, aqua opal, 15 (2016)
Bowl, 8 1/2" ruffled, peach opal, 70 (2013)
Bowl, crimped, plum opal, 55 (2014)

Candy dish, peach opal, 40 (2016)

Vase, 12 1/2", aqua opal, 75 (2012), 40 (2014),
   55 (2016), 30 (2019)
Vase, 11 1/2", purple, 20 (2012)

Rosebowl, amethyst, 42 (eBay 2008)
Rosebowl, aqua opal, 40 (2002),
   36 (eBay 2008), 30 (2019), 55 (2020)
Rosebowl, plum opal, 35 (1999)
Rosebowl, blue opal, 40 (eBay 2008)
Rosebowl, red, 40 (2019)

Drapery, Northwood

Updated 5/17/2020